Cipzer Jawahar-e-Khusia


Benefits of Cipzer Jawahar-e-khusia

  1. Improves the libido by increasing the orgasm and removing the physical debility
  2. Increases the production of reproductive fluid and enhances its consistency
  3. Improves the general health and increases the innate heat
  4. 100% ayurvedic product
  5. Zero side effects
  6. Certified by GMP and Other major health institutions
Availability: In Stock
SKU: CJK006 Category:

Cipzer Jawahar-e-Khusia increases male reproductive cells, removes male weakness, cures PE, and increases the male hormone testosterone. It improves male fertility and potency. It removes sleep defects. Problems like male infertility can be gotten rid of to a great extent. It helps childless men to get children. It is mainly a sedative, nutritious and powerful medicine. It increases power and stamina.

Dosage: 1-2 gm in the morning & evening with lukewarm water/milk or as directed by the physician.

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Cipzer Jawahar-e-Khusia


Benefits of Cipzer Jawahar-e-khusia

  1. Improves the libido by increasing the orgasm and removing the physical debility
  2. Increases the production of reproductive fluid and enhances its consistency
  3. Improves the general health and increases the innate heat
  4. 100% ayurvedic product
  5. Zero side effects
  6. Certified by GMP and Other major health institutions

Cipzer Neem Capsule


Main advantages of Cipzer Neem Capsule:

  1. Cures stomach infection.
  2. Kills worms in the stomach.
  3. Heals acne and pimples
  4. Provides skin with a glow
  5. Maintains elasticity of the skin
  6. Reduces bacterial growth

Cipzer Virya Vita Powder


Benefits of Cipzer Virya Vita Powder

  1. Beneficial in boosting reproductive fluid count naturally
  2. Helpful in conceiving infertile women
  3. Boosts vigor and vitality
  4. Improves men’s overall performance in bed
  5. 100% Ayurvedic product
  6. Zero side effects
  7. Certified by GMP & other major health institutions

Cipzer Habb-E-Asgand


Benefits of Cipzer Habb-e-Asgand

  1. It cures joint pains, back pains, and headaches.
  2. It treats Gout and Lumbago.
  3. It helps in treating Rheumatism and Sciatica.
  4. It alleviates Arthritis symptoms.

Herbal Tomato Facial Kit


This kit with the goodness of Pomegranate along with Alpha Hydroxy Acids, skin nutrients and Vitamin. Regular use prevents skin Damage, skin tolerance and appearance of wrinkles. Rose and Honey Cleansing cream: combination of rose & honey to provide nourishment & glow to delicately cleanse out the dirt from the skin. Massage Cream into skin in upward & outward movements then removes it with damp cotton. Strawberry & Apple Scrub blend of strawberry & apple makes skin, extremely intensive moisturizing scrub which gently exfoliates the black heads. The Tomato Anti Ageing Skin Care Facial Kit diminishes the signs of ageing and produces a younger look skin. Infused with active constituents, the useful Kit reconstructs and repairs the dead cell membranes. The helpful ingredients make the wrinkles fade away and eventually provide you with a crumple free skin. The useful Anti Ageing Skin Care Facial Kit also moisturizes the skin surface and firms your skin completely and also helps to stimulate the production of collagen, diminish and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles from your face and also erases the fine lines of ageing and tightens your skin thus preventing it from sagging.

Cipzer Tulsi Capsule


Benefits of Cipzer Tulsi Capsule:

  1. It is suitable for both dry and wet coughs.
  2. It ends with headaches and muscle pain.
  3. It is given to the patient with a fever.
  4. It cures stomach upset.
  5. It removes stress.
  6. It gets rid of respiratory infections.

Cipzer Sufoof Sailan


Key benefits of Cipzer Sufoof Sailan:

  1. It has been found beneficial in the treatment of leucorrhoea.
  2. It helps fight bacterial infections in the vagina.
  3. It strengthens the muscles of the vagina and uterus.

Cipzer Spirulina Capsule


Other Benefits of Cipzer Spirulina capsule-

  1. It Keeps Liver Healthy
  2. It removes stress.
  3. It is beneficial in pregnancy.
  4. It is beneficial for the eyes.
  5. It prevents cancer.

Herbal Diamond Facial Kit


Diamond Facial Kit, the perfect skin treatment product contains Diamond Face mask, Diamond Cleansing Milk, Diamond Scrub, Diamond Massage cream and Smooth Shine Diamond gel. Inspirationl for irregular skin tone, management offs, sun damage, fine lines & acne scars, this facial kit helps the skin in numerous ways. It physically exfoliates skin, even quality and gives a scintillating complexion in just a few weeks. Indulge in a rich spa treatment every time you do a facial at home with this Hashmi Diamond Facial Kit which comes in a set of six Purifies, Brightens And Polishes Skin .Formulated using the wealthy constituents, this facial treatment purify, brighten and polish your skin thus adding up a dash of shine and freshness Diamond Scrub Exfoliate Dead Cells. Containing real diamond ash, Vitamin E & jojoba oil, the scrub incorporated in this kit goes deep into and exfoliates the lifeless cells, blackheads and pustules on your skin.

Cipzer Karela capsule


Benefits of Cipzer Karela capsule-

  1. It helps make high lipoprotein in the body.
  2. It is an antioxidant.
  3. It controls the liver disease.
  4. It is given to patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  5. It eliminates blood infection and purifies the blood.
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Cipzer Jawahar-e-Khusia